Post-holiday blues

Happy New Year everyone! I am hoping that the new year would be a better one for all of us.

One of the most common problems that we face after the holidays, aside from huge credit card bills, would be making up after all the excesses in terms of food and drinks.

I know how it feels when size 32 doesn't seem to fit you anymore when the new year comes. Or maybe finding it harder to get out of bed and get yourself going at the start of the day.

You might have also felt heavier. Go check your weight using a working scale and you'll realize you don't just feel heavy, but are really heavier by a few pounds.

This is one reality that we have to have and we must not take it sitting down.

Fate may have caused us to weigh many pounds more than what we were last November, but I surely hope you don't intend to just buy bigger clothes.

So, what do we do after pigging it out during the holidays - my simple suggestion is sweat it out.

Not everyone is patient enough to head to the gym and workout a sweat. If you fall in that category, then you better think of something to do that would make you sweat.

Some people buy themselves sports equipment for Christmas. Others get them as gifts or simply just bought them because of the lure of the bargains.

Why not get started in a new sport then or maybe pick up your equipment and play again.

Personally, I have my mind set on what I will be doing to sweat it out. I am not exactly like most people with limited choices in sports because of the variety of activity I am involved in.

To those who still don't have a clue, take this tip - ask your close friends or family what they'd like to do and you can do it together. It's more fun this way and you can also save on the cost.

If you really don't have an idea what to do, maybe you can go over this little list of suggestions and see which one you might want to do.

Going to a gym is always one of the easiest options. The reason is that you get to be taught by instructors who know what they're doing (that is of course if you go to a reputable gym) and they are there to guide you when you do the regimen.

This can get boring of course, but with the new exercise devices that the more expensive gyms are using, exercising or working out has never been this fun.

Badminton has been a very popular option for people wanting to get into sports. With so many places that you can play at and with the better equipment now easily available, many play badminton not just for fitness, but more for fun.

Martial arts is also a good idea. Well, I may be biased due to my background in martial arts, but honestly it is not just a good way to sweat out, but for practical purposes, you can do martial arts also to defend yourself when you have to.

The best form of self-defense though is still running away from trouble, but martial arts training can help you become a better person, just make sure you train under the right people.

This is not about violence, the practice of martial arts is more about culture rather than street fighting.

I also know of many who are now into boxing including women. Boxing workouts are a good form of exercise and the trainers can also help put you into shape.

If you are rather low on funds and would want something that would not put you further on the red, try running.

There are many people who jog at the Cebu City Sports Center early mornings and later afternoons until evening. Or you can opt to jog at the places like the Cebu Business Park where there are areas that are still spared from heavy vehicular traffic.

All you need is a good pair of running shoes. If you happen to have gotten lucky last Christmas and bought a pair on sale, then put them into good use to help you shape up.

Before you do any exercise, consult your doctor. It's always best to be sure that you are still up to the rigors of sweating it out.

And one more thing, never overdo anything. We have overdone eating during the holidays and are now faced with this problem. If you overdo exercise or sports, it can also harm you. Do things the right way and you can achieve the goals you set.

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