Cagayan female kickers in hot pursuit of crown

The visiting Cagayan de Oro female squad was too hot to handle as it logged back-to-back wins in the women's open division of the 2nd Cebu Inter-Club Football Tournament at the Sacred Heart School-Jesuit Football field at the Cebu Business Park yesterday.

After pulling a 2-1 win against Ormoc in the opening day, Cagayan proceeded with a 2-0 thrashing of San Roque Football Club in their second assignment.

Cagayan's Maria Lourdes Agura duplicated her impressive performance in the first day by logging all goals for her team.

Agura banged a goal 16 minutes down the action and added another one in the second half to win the game.

Cagayan lost the women's open title to the Queen City United last year.

The defending champion, Queen City female team, on the other hand, got somehow affected by Hiroshi's bad start as it ended in a draw with D' Davao Survivors, 2-2.

Queen City's Marilou Solon posted the first point before the end of the first half but Davao's Roston Baribar retaliated to tie the game at 1-all.

As the action resumed, Davao's Dezuz Reyes zoomed for another goal to get the lead, 2-1.

Queen City tried harder and saw Maebelle Guimaray taking another goal for Queen City for another deadlock.

Both teams, however, ran out of time, resulting to a draw in their encounter in the event organized by the Cebu Amateur Football Club.

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