USC to hold summer sports clinic

The University of San Carlos is offering sports clinic for the young this summer.

The sports clinic featured are basketball, martial arts, swimming and lawn tennis.

Basketball enthusiasts will have two options to enroll with clinics at the USC North Campus and the other one in the South Campus.

The clinic in the North Campus will be taking place on April 3-28 from 3pm to 5pm while the South Campus will have it on April 17 to May 6. Sessions exclude weekends.

The basketball clinic will be supervised by Michael "Mike" Reyes along with some of USC's coaching staff.

Registration fee is pegged at P1,000.

For those interested to join under the North Campus clinic, one can call 231-4012 or 233-3145 local 33 and look for Lolito Tampus or Galimar Largo.

For the South Campus call Mercy at 253-0117 local 23 or Cielo at 0920-8931915.

For martial arts, which will be handled by Isagani Batayola, the training sessions will be from April 17 to May 19, Tuesdays and Thursdays at the USC Gym.

Swimming, on the other hand, is set from April 17 to May 19, covering Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the USC Swimming pool.

Interested parties may choose three-time schedules like 7:30am to 9am, 3pm-4:30pm and 5:30pm to 7pm.

Registration fee for swimming and martial arts is only P800. Contact 253-1000 local 184 for inquiries.

Lawn tennis which will be spearheaded by coach Bobby Soquiño will be taking place at the USC tennis courts from April 26 to May 25 (Mondays to Fridays).

Beginners are scheduled from 7am to 9 am and advanced level at 9am to 11am.

Registration fee is P1,000 which include a t-shirt. Contact 253-1000 local 174 for registration and more details.

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