Woman arrested for selling porn DVDs

CEBU, Philippines - A 26-year-old woman was arrested by the operatives of the Subangdaku Police station after she was seen selling pornographic DVDs along H.C Cortes Street in barangay Subangdaku, Mandaue City last Wednesday afternoon .

The police saw the woman selling the pornographic DVDs in the presence of her two children aged 8 and 10 years old some 200 meters away from police station.

Rashida Dalimbang, a native of Midsayaf, North Cotabato was arrested by a team led by Subangdaku Police Chief P/Insp.Ramil Morpos.

Police were able to seize from her seven pornographic DVDs which she said she would sell at P50 each.

Morpos said he was irked upon seeing the woman selling the pornographic DVDs in front of her two children.

Dalimbang, in an interview, said that she only took the opportunity to sell the pornographic materials as there were people who asked to buy it. She was only selling pirated DVDs and cellphone accessories but since some customers asked for these, she was tempted to sell.

She said that she did not display the pornographic DVDs and it was just bad luck that the police was around while she had a customer.

Salimbang also said that she was forced to sell the DVDs as she was left to alone to feed her two children after her husband left him five years ago .    - THE FREEMAN

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