Most lawyers in Cebu believe Corona is guilty

CEBU, Philippines - Most people in the legal profession in Cebu believes that Chief Justice Renato Corona will be convicted by the Senate, sitting as an impeachment court, for betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.

In a mini random survey conducted by The FREEMAN with 10 lawyers as respondents, six of them answered yes to the question on whether or not Corona will be convicted. One believes that Corona will be acquitted if the senator-judges stick to the rules on evidence and other legalities. Three others refused to give categorical answer to the question.

Lawyer Daryl Roque Amante believes Corona will be convicted because the prosecution has presented enough evidence to prove its case. Amante said Corona failed to present evidence to his defense.

According to Amante, Corona instead expressed his sentiments towards the administration when he was given the opportunity to present his evidence.

 “Corona will be convicted for the simple reason that he has not yet adduced evidence for his defense since what he did was just mere reading of matters expressing his sentiments to the present administration and he practically failed to present formally his defense,” Amante said.

Amante’s opinion was shared by lawyers Ricardo Labial, Joan Saniel and Joselito Alo.

Lawyer Louie Arma likewise believes that Corona will be convicted not necessarily because the evidence is strong. He said the will of the political party desiring for Corona’s ouster matters most.

“As a lawyer I’m no longer concerned of his technical innocence based on the rules of evidence. In our country, the party who is asking for the desired result matters most and we cannot deny that it’s the President himself,” Arma stressed.

Arma said Corona’s conviction will give face to president’s anti-corruption campaign.

 “I believe that he is out to give meaning to his campaign slogan and he will utilize all the influence that he can emit just to set a big example then reason, as always the case, will just follow,” Arma added.

Lawyer Daniel Arguedo on the other hand said that conviction is imminent because of the trial by publicity. Arguedo however qualified that if the case is to be decided based on the legality, he believes Corona will be acquitted.

For lawyer Inocencio dela Cerna today’s verdict would be acquittal. His opinion however was based on the rules of evidence and other legal technicalities.

According to him, if the Senator-Judges decide on the case based on the legality, Corona will be acquitted.

“If it were to be decided on a purely legal and technical way I firmly believe Corona will be acquitted,” dela Cerna said.

The impeachment, however, is an entirely political exercise wherein it will depend on the votes of the senators sitting as judges.

But lawyer Juluis Caesar Entise said the evidence adduced in the impeachment “may not be that important being a political in nature.”

He said if Corona will get eight votes in his favor he will be acquitted. Lawyer Jade Ponce said the decision would depend on the political inclination of the Senators.

“If they’re going to be strictly objective (rule of law and evidence) Corona will be acquitted,” Ponce said.

Lawyer Benjamin Militar on the other hand believes that Corona must resign.

“I believe Chief Justice should spare the country of the erosion of our judicial institutions by doing the most honorable act of judicial statesmanship-resign,” he said. — /FPL (FREEMAN)

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