Comelec declares Quiño as mayor

CEBU, Philippines - The long wait is over for the town of Compostela, Cebu!

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) yesterday proclaimed Joel Quiño as the duly-elected mayor of the town together with the rest of the municipal officials that were declared winners in May 2010 national and local elections.

“After one year and nine months, na proclaim na gyud mi. We are so happy,” Quiño told The FREEMAN after their proclamation at the Comelec Central Office in Manila.

Quiño and the other elected municipal officials were declared winners of the elections in 2010, but failed to assume office due to a protest filed by former mayor Ritchie Wagas.

Wagas contended that the results from the 15 clustered precincts were not counted and were not transmitted in the final canvass of votes. Quiño officially got 12,076 votes against 9,071 for Wagas.

“I hope Wagas will accept the decision of the Comelec and the decision of the people of Compostela,” Quiño said.

It’s not yet over

For Wagas, the fight is not yet over. “I still have to consult with my lawyer. Mangita gyud mi og paagi until such time makuha namo ang kamatuoran,” (We will find a way until such time we get the truth) said Wagas.

Wagas said the proclamation is highly questionable as it was based on the election returns, which he alleged are questionable.

He said that the ballot boxes should have been opened as the true will of the people are there.

“Dili lang sad ko mo-ingon nga daug ko until such time nga ma-ablihan gyud ang mga ballot boxes kay naa didto ang kamatuoran,” (I would not also say that I won until such time that the ballot boxes are opened because the truth is there) Wagas added.

Oath taking

Quiño and the rest of the winning candidates will take their oath before Cebu fifth district Representative Ramon "Red" Durano VI at 9 a.m. today at the Compostela Municipal Hall. Quiño said that they are very thankful of the moral and financial support of Durano.

Durano, in a separate interview, said that he had no doubts that Quiño's group are the true winners in the 2010 elections.

"I had no doubts nga sila gyud ang nidaug. Walay tikas nga nahitabo. They are the rightful winners," (I had no doubts that they really won. There was no cheating…) Durano said.

Durano added that for almost two years, the constituents of Compostela were deprived of their elected officials and the newly-proclaimed officials should work double-time especially that the next election is fast approaching.

Quiño is also thankful to all his supporters for being their all the way and asked those who did not support him, to cooperate this time, for the sake of the town's peace and progress. Quiño added that as soon as he will return to Cebu, he will convene the town officials in order to address the pressing problems and concerns that have been besetting the town like garbage, peace and order, medical assistance, among others.

"Now that we are proclaimed, hopefully, maka move on na ta," he added.

Compostela has been under a caretaker since 2010 after Comelec annulled the proclamation of Quiño and the other winning candidates as a result of the protest filed by Wagas in the same year.

The town was first put under the care of Pedro Noval, regional director of the Department of Interior and Local Government, and he was later replaced by DILG-Cebu officer-in-charge Jerome Gonzales. — /NLQ (FREEMAN)

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