Outstanding CH execs, employees nomination open until Wednesday

CEBU, Philippines - The nomination for outstanding Cebu City officials and employees is open until Wednesday afternoon.

Human Resources Development Office chief Jovy Morelos said the public can submit the names of their nominees at the City Hall. Morelos said those who want to nominate for the awards are required to submit nine sets of the supporting documents to justify the nomination.

Morelos said that all the nominees shall be carefully evaluated by the nine-member selection committee. The selection committee was formed to avoid favoritism in the giving of the awards.

The selection committee is chaired by City Hall consultant Jose Maria “Eugene” Elizalde with members from the Department of Education, Cebu City Council, Association of Barangay Councils, Non-Government Organizations (NGO), business, religious and others.

Morelos said all the 23 department heads are automatically considered candidates for the Outstanding Department Head award. They will be required to appear for interview before the members of the selection committee.

Aside from the department heads, other awards are for outstanding department, assistant department head, division chief, ordinary employees from the different departments.

The awardees will receive cash up to P50,000 and plaque of recognition. The awards will be given during the Charter Day celebration of the city government.  (FREEMAN)

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