Enrile: A leader shouldn't be afraid to stand alone

CEBU, Philippines - A real leader has the moral courage to follow his heart and uphold the values he believes in, even if it means he has to stand alone.

This was according to Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, the first speaker of the Leadership Lecture Series, a new program of the University of the Visayas, which was held yesterday morning at the Cebu Country Club. 

“A good leader is expected to have a vision. He must also have the ability to communicate his vision to the people and inspire them to their best, motivate them to achieve certain goals and create positive change. A good leader is not only competent, he is also committed. A good leader must have an unquestionable integrity,” he said.

He said extraordinary people who created huge waves in their respective fields were not even outstanding students or did not even receive formal schooling.

Enrile pointed out that more than 50 percent of the CEOs listed in Fortune Magazine’s 500 companies had average grades in college, nearly 50 percent of all millionaires never finished college and nearly 75 percent of the US presidents were in the bottom half of their class.

“All the great world leaders in politics, in the arts, in business and the corporate world, and in other sectors of society have the passion, commitment and the willingness to take huge risks, even the risk of standing alone for what they believe in. They are not afraid to take the road less traveled,” he said.

Enrile, who is in the middle of the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona, also said that a good leader is expected to have the ability to resolve conflicts and earn the respect of the parties who do not agree with him.

Yesterday’s lecture was attended mostly by local officials and students from the universities.

Enrile also said the University of the Visayas Gullas Institute of Leadership will become an excellent training ground for a new breed of leaders.

“I am very sure that with competent faculty and able researchers, the men and women who will pass through the portals of the Institute will be equipped with priceless skills expected of a good leader. The impeccable education and training that this Institute offers will undoubtedly prepare them for the nerve-shattering and soul-searing challenges ahead,” said Enrile.

Dr. Jacqueline Gullas-Weckman, UV Vice President for Academics, said the institute is envisioned to be the center of learning and training for men and women to achieve their potential as servant leaders.

“Whether they are starting in their career paths or preparing to take on emerging roles and responsibilities in corporations, in public service, government, non-government organizations or in the political arena, the Institute will offer programs and courses that will allow learners to become authentic service leaders with appropriate purpose in these progressive times,” she said.

Gullas-Weckman added that it is the intention of the Institute to empower people to become servant leaders by harnessing their energy and developing their intellectual capacity to do good for the people they serve.

She hopes that the lectures, to be held by men and women, who are outstanding in their respective fields, will make a positive impact in building our nation.   - (THE FREEMAN)

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