Napolcom: CCPO still "Cebu's finest"

CEBU, Philippines - Despite outdated equipment and a dilapidated building serving as headquarters, the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) is still “Cebu’s finest” according to the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).

But the NAPOLCOM official raised a concern on the attendance at the CCPO.

 “I believe that the present CCPO is still considered as Cebu’s finest,” said lawyer Risty Sibay of the Napolcom, adding, “The problem with some police personnel, they are no longer reporting for duty,”

The pronouncement came after a five-day inspection of the NAPOLCOM of Camp Sotero Cabahug and 11 police stations in the Cebu City. 

But for CCPO Director Ramon Melvin Buenafe, they still have a lot of room for improvement.

“We don’t want to look arrogant, we are still in the process of improving our organization. Maybe, pag-ka nandon na tayo sa impeccable stage of police performance and administration,” Buenafe said after hearing of the Napolcom official’s statement.  

The NAPOLCOM conducted a refresher course on various issue and areas which it believes needs improvement in the CCPO.

Aside from uniform and equipment issues, attendance was a great concern for the CCPO.

According to Sibay, most of the policemen who no longer report for work are already old and are suffering from various ailments.

“Though some police are not required to observe the regular eight-hour schedule (due to several other reasons), they are still required to report to their office even though they are no longer on actual duty,” said Sibay.

Sibay has recommended for Buenafe to practice a “daily accounting system”.

The method requires each unit to conduct regular inspections to ensure strict compliance from each police personnel each day.

Sibay further stressed that attendance is important for the entire CCPO workforce to function. He reminds every policeman in the city to “give to the public what they deserve from the police - effective and efficient public service.”

The city director however said, they are aware of the current problem.

In fact, Buenfe told The FREEMAN that there are several policemen who are already handicapped. Also, those who are already too old for work are still in their official list of men.

Buenafe said, “That is why we are very grateful that they (NAPOLCOM) witnessed first hand what is really going on here (in the city) and how we are using our resources to address the peace and order situation in Cebu.”  (FREEMAN)

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