PJ says: No threat on pork barrel

CEBU, Philippines - There is no truth about the reported withholding of the Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of the members of the House of Representatives who voted “No” in the impeachment case against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez.

This is according to Cebu Third District Rep. Pablo John Garcia, who said that House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, Jr. assured them there will be no punishment for those who voted “no.”

Garcia together with his father, Deputy Speaker Pablo Garcia, Representatives Benhur Salimbangon (fourth district) and Pastor Alcover, Jr. of Cebu-based Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy (ANAD) Partylist were among Cebuano lawmakers who voted “No.”

President Benigno Aquino III also publicly said that there will be no punishment for those who voted according to their conscience.

“I will hold both of them to their words, kung ila lisud-lisuron ang akong PDAF, ang projects in the municipality,” Garcia said.

Should that happen, Garcia will explain to his constituents that this government is vindictive and is doing precisely what they were criticizing during the administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

“This administration will be punishing not me because I’m still here. They will be punishing my constituents if they withhold my PDAF,” Garcia said.

Garcia explained he also voted “No” when the same impeachment complaint was submitted in the 14th Congress.

“Why should I be inconsistent? I will be accused of being inconsistent if I voted yes to the impeachment,” he said.

Meanwhile, Salimbangon also clarified he has not talked to the Garcias when he voted “No.”

In the 888 News Forum at Marco Polo Plaza yesterday, Salimbangon said the One Cebu Party which he is the vice president has no stand on the impeachment issue.

Salimbangon cited sixth district Rep. Gabriel Luis Quisumbing, who is also a member of One Cebu Party, who voted “yes.”

Salimbangon said he voted “no” after finding there’s not enough basis to impeach Gutierrez.

He added that Gutierrez is no different from other lower court judges who have not decided yet on a lot of cases filed long time ago. – Gregg M. Rubio/JPM (THE FREEMAN)

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