Maranatha distributes Christmas goodies

CEBU, Philippines - Maranatha Christian Fellowship of Cebu (MCF) continues a 13-year-old ministry of distributing gifts to the less fortunate Cebuanos.

At their church yesterday, MCF distributed bundles of joy to over 15,000 less fortunate individuals from all over the province.

Distribution of gifts started at 4:30 a.m. and ended at 8:00 a.m. after running out of packed gifts.

Recipients came from Naga, Carcar, Talisay, Mandaue and other neighboring cities and municipalities in the province for this year's "Simbahang Pambata."

Each individual received 2 kilos of rice, two canned goods, 2 packs of noodles, and other goods.

Last year, over 8,000 less fortunate children and adults from all over the province received bundles of joy.

MCI Administrator, Ruby Salutan, in an interview with The FREEMAN said the church is simply following God's will of sharing his unconditional love and blessings to all.

Sultan said people came through "word of mouth," mi-tultul gyud ang mga tawo.Every year na gud na for the past 13 years," she said.

The queue stretched to barangay Parian, Cebu City.

"Pinaka taas gyud kaayo ang linya," Salutan said.

She said there were no rules that determined who would receive gifts. "Kutob sa mosulod, bisa’g bata, tagsa-tagsa gyud among gi-taga-an," Salutan said.

The ministry, "Simbahang Pambata," was started by a few concerned MCF members "for the street and urban poor children of Cebu City."

The aim is to share God's love by teaching them discipline, bathing, and feeding them, making a difference in their lives.

However, through the years, their simple act evolved into a far bigger mission for the church.

Since then, church members hold it every week, feeding and counseling over 120 street children on Saturdays and especially during the Christmas season.

Aside from the "Simbahang Pambata" ministry, the church also has other programs for the poorest of the poor; which includes a free clinic consultation, a scholarship program, and their future plan of erecting a "Rancho ni Kristo Home for Boys" in Asturias for sexually abused and emotionally disturbed boys.

The MCF, according to Sultan, will continue with its yearly ministries for the fulfillment of God's will in Cebu City.

Although short on cash, church members promise to keep the programs alive for the love of God. (FREEMAN)

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