Proposed annual budget approved on first reading

CEBU, Philippines - If the appropriation ordinance is approved, Talisay City would have P464 million as its annual budget next year, about P27 million higher than this year.

In last Monday's special session, the city council approved on first reading the proposed budget of P464,578,460.80 for the city's expenditures for next year.

The biggest chunk goes to the "Maintenance and Other Operation," eating up P198,506,538.78 of the fund.

"Personal Services" comes second with P96,072,327.60" allocation.

Under this item are "Salaries and Wages" for regular city workers with P60,887,484 under it, and P360,000.00 for the contractual.

The Capital Outlay next year will get P19,281,307.37, while the "Non Office Expenditures" will have P88,390,574.05.

This year's budget ordinance's proponent is Councilor Rodolfo L. Cabigas, the new chairman of the Committee on Appropriation, Budget Management & Ways and Means. The proposal was co-authored by Councilors Eduardo R. Gullas III, Richard Francis F. Aznar, Bernard Joseph T. Odilao and Dennis B. Basillote, being his members.

Meanwhile, the proposed ordinance will go through a series of hearings.

Then the proposal will be returned to the council for approval on second and third reading. — THE FREEMAN

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