Sitoy urged: Don't legislate personal issues

CEBU, Philippines - Capitol spokesperson Rory Jon Sepulveda has cautioned Provincial Board Member Arleigh Sitoy not to legislate personal issues after the latter admitted that his personal experience prompted him to propose the “Chicharon Ordinance.”

Sepulveda said that Governor Gwendolyn Garcia has been receiving calls concerning Sitoy’s proposed ordinance requiring chicharon makers to put a warning on the packaging that eating it is dangerous.

“Karon naklaro naman gud ni nato, he has admitted nga personal gud diay ni niya nga isyu as reported in the paper. This is really personal and we respect that,” Sepulveda said.

According to Sepulveda,personal issues should not be legislated and should not be caused for legislation.

“Ako hubakon man ko, kapila man ko hubaka kon mokaon og mongos. Kung ma Board Member ko, ako ipa ban ang mongos ako pabutangan og warning, this mongo will be dangerous to asthmatics,” he jested.

Sepulveda said that Sitoy’s proposed legislation would adversely affect the chicharon industry in Carcar.

“Iconic naman gud ning chicharon sa Carcar. Moingon ka og Carcar, synonymous to chicharon naman gud ni,” Sepulveda said.

He described the act of Sitoy as “least irresponsible” that which effect would be to curtail or unnecessarily restrict the sale of chicharon.

Sitoy however explained that his proposed ordinance on chicharon was not meant to destroy industry players, but for them to have entrepreneurial social responsibility.

He said he does not mind if the Governor will veto his ordinance as long as he was able to tell the public on the dangers of chicharon. His ordinance was passed on first reading last Monday.

Sitoy recalled that before he suffered stroke, the last food he had eaten was a pack of chicharon, estimated at one kilo.

According to him, one more chicharon, he would disappear from the planet.

The proposed ordinance requires commercial chicharon makers to reflect the nutritional component and place appropriate health warnings on their product’s packaging.

It also stated that there should be an advice against the health hazards associated with excessive consumption of food high in fat and cholesterol. (THE FREEMAN)

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