Court exclusive for drug cases sought

CEBU, Philippines - Senator Vicente Sotto III has filed a bill for the creation of a Special Collegiate Dangerous Drugs Courts that would exclusively try and hear drug-related cases.

Sotto said the special court is necessary because the number of drug-related cases has increased steadily despite the enactment of Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act in 2002. The law provides for stiffer penalties on violators. 

Under Sotto’s bill, the special court will be created from among the existing regional trial courts and will sit in each geographical region.

Sotto said a special court will help de-clog the dockets of the specially-designated RTC’s and will usher a speedy administration of justice, which has been greatly prejudiced owing to the slow resolution of cases.

 “Therefore, there is an imperative need to create a Special Collegiate Dangerous Drugs Courts to sit in each geographical region the Philippines,” reads Sotto’s proposal.

In the bill, the Special Collegiate Dangerous Drugs Courts shall have original jurisdiction to try and hear violations of RA 9165, which is also aimed at giving more teeth to the continued fight against dangerous drugs. Aside from this, Sotto also filed a separate bill for a mandatory drug testing for drivers previously involved in traffic accidents.

Sotto explained that cases of vehicular accidents causing injuries and deaths have staggeringly increased as cases of drug abuse rise.

He said substance abuse triggers hallucinations, drowsiness and loss of consciousness which leads to inability to aptly respond to consequences and events in the environment making a person unfit to drive a motor vehicle.   (THE FREEMAN)

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