Mayor Rama wants CITOM, cops to go after dispatchers

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama wants the City Traffic Operations Management and the city police to go after the illegal dispatchers or barkers for public utility vehicles.

Rama said he had been receiving a lot of complaints lately regarding the unruly behavior of some dispatchers.

"I want (Citom chairman) Jack and the PNP to address the issue of double collection ilabi na aning dispatchers," Rama said.

Barkers would ask money from jeepney drivers in exchange for boarding passengers. If the drivers failed to give, they would earn the ire of the barkers.

Jakosalem told The FREEMAN that they have been apprehending a lot of barkers, but those arrested would later be released after paying the compromise fee.

"Daghan man kaayo mi ma-dakpan but i-release kuno sa judge for a minimal compromise fee," Jakosalem said.

City Councilor Raul Alcoseba, chairman of the council committee on traffic management, believed that one way to scare away the dispatchers and "watch your car" boys is to increase the fine from P200 to P5,000.  

City Ordinance 1219 enacted on July 17, 1986 provides a fine ranging from P100 to 600 or an imprisonment of 15 days to six months for violator. Since the enactment of the ordinance 20 years ago, only few have been prosecuted.

Alcoseba said that fines should be increased. The police said the campaign against illegal dispatching is not effective because sometimes the drivers refused to cooperate in the prosecution of violators.

To prosecute the dispatchers, concerned drivers are required to execute affidavits against them. - With Rene U. Borromeo/LPM (THE FREEMAN)

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