Nerez to Joavan's victim: File charges

CEBU, Philippines - Police Regional Office-7 chief Lani-O Nerez is encouraging the security guard who claimed to be the latest victim of Joavan Fernandez’ caper to file a criminal complaint against the adopted son of Talisay City Mayor Socrates Fernandez.

Nerez also echoed the calls for Mayor Fernandez to submit Joavan to a voluntary drug rehabilitation program.

Nerez’ call came a day after Joavan and his alleged victim, Cleto Dandan, agreed to settle amicably. The two went to the Talisay Police Station last Tuesday to sign an agreement that they are not interested to press charges against each other.

But Nerez said, Dandan should not have buckled down from pressing charges against Joavan.

 “Mao na nga akong gi-awhag ang gwardya nga mupasaka gyud ug kaso. Muadto ba siya sa among buhatan o ba kaha kami ang muadto niya. Dili lang anang i-settle lang,” Nerez said.

Nerez plans to personally talk to Dandan to persuade him to file a case against Joavan. The police official sounded off the calls for Joavan’s immediate drug rehabilitation and was hoping that Mayor Fernandez will consider it for the interest of the people in Talisay.

 “Kung amahan ka, kahibaw man ka og unsa ang dili maayo nga gibuhat sa imong anak mao na nga nag encourage gyud ko niya nga iparehab na ang iyang anak,” Nerez said.

According to Nerez, he already discussed with the former Talisay City police chief, Supt. Henry Biñas, the possibility of Joavan’s forced rehabilitation. However, Nerez said he still believe that it would be much better if the mayor should take the initiative to discipline his son.

Without Mayor Fernandez’ cooperation, Nerez said the police will be forced to do its job and encouraged victims to file charges.

Dandan, a security guard of Vista Grande Subdivision in Barangay Bulacao, recently accused Joavan of poking a gun at him. Dandan however entered into a settlement with Joavan citing his lack of resources to mount a legal battle against an “influential” person. — THE FREEMAN

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