Public warned against scams

CEBU, Philippines - Consumers, beware.

 The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Cebu Provincial Office is warning the public against the resurgence of various tricks that some companies employ to have a portion of your hard-earned money.

Nelia Navarro, DTI Cebu Provincial Director, said that these happen even inside big shopping malls in the city. She urged the public to be always on alert and wary of the different schemes being done by sales teams.

Consumers are advised to exhaust all means to get the names of the people behind these pseudo-businesses, as well as proof, so that they can be pinned down.

 Pointed out as example are some sales people in executive clothes who roam around the mall congratulating consumers for being the “lucky shopper of the day.” Reasons for being the lucky shopper vary from wearing a certain color, to having come from a certain part of the island, or just by carrying a particular shopping bag.

People are told that big prizes await them if they go through a certain process. However, those who fall prey to this lose much of their time to a long “briefing” about certain products, and even “test swiping” of their credit cards.

Other schemes involve the giving out of supposedly “free items,” such as high-value cooking wares, to expectant mall goers, only to be disappointed as the items are handed out only if money is shelled out for another product.

   “File your complaints in writing with supporting documents first to the consumer welfare desks at the malls.  If you could not get a positive action, furnish a copy of your complaint to the Department of Trade and Industry – Cebu Provincial Office,” said Navarro.

Better yet, stay away from these type of transactions.   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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