"Live reporting" banned in canvassing area

CEBU, Philippines - Live reporting for the broadcast media, radio and televisions, will not be allowed inside the canvassing centers as it will “disturb the proceedings.”

Comelec Cebu provincial election supervisor Lionel Marco Castillano said that live reporting during the canvassing of votes at the Capitol Social Hall where the provincial canvassing will be done is prohibited.

Castillano said that members of the broadcast media especially from television stations will be allowed to take video footages of the proceedings but live reporting shall be done outside the canvassing area.

He said that television stations can freely have their set-up in an area within Capitol grounds where they are most comfortable.

“We will have two LCD strategically located in the Capitol area, where the public can actually watch the whole proceedings since whatever input done in the laptop, it will be projected in the LCD,” he said in Cebuano.

He said that live reporting even if it is using wireless connection will still disturb the proceedings as it will interfere the electronic signal of the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines.

Castillano cited their experience during the mock elections wherein they had a hard time transmitting the data because of signal interference.

He also reminded the media people to behave in all areas where the elections are being held.

Resolution 8764 issued by the Comelec states that accredited media are allowed maximum access to polling places, voting centers and canvassing centers to observe and report on election-related events and processes.

But members of the media are not allowed to take close-up photos or videos of voters while filling up the ballots.

Castillano likewise reminded all mediamen to secure an identification card signed by Comelec Chairman Jose Melo. Only accredited members of the media are allowed to join the press coverage.

The Comelec’s media card should be worn prominently at all times during the coverage.

Access, in the widest latitude possible, will be accorded to those who wear the IDs, but subject to conditions necessary for not obstructing Comelec’s smooth work.

No more than three media representatives shall be allowed inside the polling place at any one time, which means if you are reporter number four in a precinct, you are a crowd already, so better wait outside until any one of the three get out before you come in.

Once inside the precinct, media people should present to the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs) the Comelec-issued media card for proper identification.

According to the resolution, all mediamen are expected to be professional, any unprofessional conduct will automatically revoke the accreditation. — THE FREEMAN

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