Two brgy employees sued for malversation of funds

CEBU, Philippines - Two employees of Barangay Punta Princesa were charged with malversation of public funds before the Regional Trial Court for their alleged failure to remit more than P600,000 of the barangay funds.

The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas found probable cause to file a criminal complaint against Claremma Tabar, the barangay treasurer, and Minerva Pelarca, the barangay Clerk II, for malversation of public funds for allegedly “embezzling” the amount of P520, 575 and P124,000, respectively.

After preliminary investigation conducted by the anti-graft office, it found sufficient grounds that the crime was committed by the two accused.

The Commission on Audit conducted an audit in October 2003 after it was revealed that there was a shortage of P644, 575.10 from the barangay funds.

However, the two denied the allegations and said in their counter affidavit that they did not use the said missing amount for their personal use.

The two stated that P303,830.30 was represented legitimate and were necessary expenses of the barangay but the expenses were disallowed by COA.

According to them, the remaining amount stated as missing or unaudited were spent for the necessary expenses as well for the barangay but “due to oversight, respondents could no longer locate the corresponding receipts.” They added they are willing to recover the misplaced receipts and to pay the amount of P145,042.80.

However, the Graft Investigation and Prosecution Office finds probable cause to charge them for the offense being public officers who have custody of the funds, Tabar being the treasurer and Pelarca given the appointment by Tabar to receive collections. — AJ de la Torre/WAB   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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