Man commits suicide

CEBU, Philippines - Probably depressed after his girlfriend got pregnant, an 18-year-old man killed himself by hanging past 2 a.m. yesterday in Sitio Univille, Barangay Kasambagan, Cebu City.

The police and the family of Dionesio Sedrone believed that he killed himself after he learned that he impregnated one of his “many girlfriends.”

Jason, Amacanin, brother-in-law of Sedrone, woke up around 2:30 a.m., went to the kitchen and turned on the light only to discover the dead body of the victim hanging from the wooden beam of the kitchen with a blue T-shirt tied around his neck. Amacanin then informed his wife and other relatives in the house of what he discovered.

Responding personnel from the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation declared the victim dead.

Sedrone, who reportedly had several girlfriends, was last seen holding a knife while he gestured of stabbing himself in front of one Adrian Cutamora, a mute neighbor, at about 1 a.m.

Maricel Amacanin, 28, sister of the victim, told police that last week, she heard the victim inquired from one of his girlfriends about pregnancy, which they believed as the reason why he got depressed and committed suicide. — Niña G. Sumacot/WAB   (FREEMAN NEWS)

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