City denied access to terminal accounts

CEBU, Philippines - A team from the Office of the City Treasurer failed to inspect the Books of Accounts of the Cebu South Bus Terminal, but instead was only made to inspect the concessionaires at the controversial terminal.

A six-man team headed by Cebu City Assistant Treasurer for Administration Teresita Camarillo went to the terminal yesterday supposedly to inspect its Books of Accounts, but Acting Collection Chief Eva Encabo told them the books and the financial statements from 2004 to 2008 are with the provincial accountant.

Instead, Encabo allowed the team to inspect the concessionaires at the terminal during which the team found some establishments with no permit to sell cigarettes and no business permits.

Cebu City Acting Treasurer Ofelia Oliva said Camarillo’s group subsequently went to the provincial treasurer’s office, but was denied access to the Books of Accounts by virtue of a letter earlier issued by Governor Gwendolyn Garcia, which denied City Hall’s request to view the books.

“Nanguli silang Tessie nga nagkusmod. Dili gyud muabli, hadlok sila mukobra ta og dako-dakong tax,” Oliva said, quoting Camarillo as saying.

What they intend to do next, Oliva said, is for her office to issue an Assessment Notice based on their own interviews and evaluations. Should Capitol refuses to pay taxes, Oliva said City Hall will be forced to resort to administrative and judicial remedies.

“Wan-a, mo resort na ta sa other agencies and to the court simultaneous…we will exercise the Warrant of Levy sa bus terminal. Naa na gani levy, amo na i-auction. Mao nay ato i-resort, naa man na sa balaod,” Oliva said.

Also next week Oliva said notices will be sent to collect imposable tax to properties and operations of the Provincial Capitol within the city.

The city has argued that the move of the provincial government to collect entrance fees at the South Bus Terminal and collecting rent from concessionaires has made it eligible for taxes, contrary to Capitol’s contention that an LGU exempts them from taxes.

The South Bus Terminal became the newest battleground between Cebu Province and Cebu City when over 100 mini buses plying the southern route were refused entry at the terminal over new rules imposed.

Operators of the mini buses then sought assistance from the city and asked that they be provided with new bus stops. The city denied the request, but the City Council later passed an ordinance allowing minibuses and buses to operate their own terminals. – Ferliza C. Contratista/JMO   (FREEMAN NEWS)


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