Lawyers hold off suing mayors over Waste Management Act

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman Visayas has convinced a group of environmental lawyers to hold off the filing of charges against the municipal mayors in Cebu whom they earlier issued notices to sue for failure to implement the Solid Waste Management Act.

Assistant Ombudsman Virginia Palanca-Santiago said she was able to convince the group of environmental lawyers Gloria Estenzo Ramos and Benjamin Cabrido during a dialogue with the mayors and officials of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Santiago said the anti-graft office decided to intervene after they were furnished copies of the notices to sue. According to Santiago, they believe that it would be counter-productive to sue the mayors because it would only add to the clogging of cases in their office aside from the fact that it would distract the mayor from the delivery of basic services.

Santiago said she explained to the group of environmentalists during the dialogue that it would help solve the problem if they would help educate the officials instead of going after them by filing cases.

Santiago said that she found out during the dialogue that it was the lack of proper education on the problem that hindered the full implementation of the law.

The mayors allegedly signified their willingness to comply with the law but some factors prevented them. One of these is the non-cooperation of the DENR officials by not giving them the necessary Environmental Compliance Certificates.

After the dialogue, Santiago said, they all agreed to cooperate to help solve the garbage problem in the province. Among the activities that they agreed to undertake is to train barangay officials on proper garbage disposal and solid waste management.

The anti-graft office and the environmental lawyers will jointly hold the training. Santiago said they will also conduct public accountability seminars for the local officials. — Fred P. Languido/BRP (THE FREEMAN)

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