Neri ouster, change of SSS law sought

CEBU, Philippines – Labor groups Partido ng Maggagawa and Solidarity of Cebu Workers are calling for Social Security System President Romulo Neri to step down from office following his recent declaration that social security funds will not be released to laid-off workers.

“Neri does not deserve the post of custodian of the workers’ retirement and social security fund. He is not simply stingy but is insensitive to the workers,” says PM-Cebu chairman Greg Janginon.

“If Neri cannot tell the people the truth about the NBN-ZTE deal, then how can we trust him to reveal the real condition of SSS funds?” he added. 

Janginon challenged the SSS board to reveal to workers the current state of the workers fund “in the interest of accountability and transparency.”

Neri earlier said that the 10-percent ceiling allowed by the law for SSS to grant loans has already been reached.

PM and SCW are challenging SSS to open its books for audit by representatives of organized labor groups other than those already sitting in its board.

Likewise, they are calling on Congress to study the possibility of amending the SSS law so that the 10-percent ceiling on loan grants will be lifted and more funds will be infused to the workers fund so that benefits can be provided to the estimated hundreds of thousands of displaced workers. 

Janginon contended the 10-percent limit should not be a “concrete ceiling but a movable elevator that can be adjusted as the conditions necessitates” in this time of massive economic crisis. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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