DA warns farmers, public on aflatoxin contamination

CEBU, Philippines - With corn considered as the country’s second most important crop and a staple food in many places in Visayas and Mindanao, the Department of Agriculture is undertaking a massive information drive on aflatoxin, a cancer-producing substance that is reportedly contaminating agriculture crops such as corn, peanuts, copra, rice, cassava, and sweet potato.

DA said aflatoxin causes harmful effects to animal and human health and corn happens to be a major ingredient in feeds and various corn-based food products.

A contaminated crop, when consumed, has deleterious effects on human beings, poultry and livestock.

Contamination occurs when a group of fungi called Aspergillus Flavus, which produces toxic metabolites called mycotoxins, attack vulnerable agricultural crops.

The mold occurs in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains undergoing microbiological deterioration whenever and wherever the conditions are favorable for its growth. Favorable conditions include high moisture content and high temperature.

Incidentally, corn was found to be one of the most susceptible crops to aflatoxin, DA said.

DA said that if not prevented, poisoning can eventually cause economic losses in both domestic and international markets.

DA-7 Regional Executive Director Ricardo Oblena said if farmers will not be careful, there will be a decline in growth and production efficiency in all primary crops, poultry and livestock produce in the Visayas.

Among the scenarios in a possible outbreak include a 50 percent reduction in growth rate of poultry industry, fewer and smaller eggs from laying hens, downgrading carcasses, altered immunity against diseases and increased mortality rate.

“Toxicity has been reported in suckling pigs, growing and finishing pigs and breeder stock. The effects would vary depending on the age of the animal, diet, concentration of aflatoxin and the length of exposure,” DA said.

On the part of humans, consumption of contaminated food may lead to impaired health, additional cost of medication and loss in earnings.

Aflatoxins have been associated with the occurrence of various chronic diseases like cirrhosis or liver cancer, chronic gastritis and kwashiorkor, a type of malnutrition, among others. – Jessica Ann Pareja/JMO (THE FREEMAN)


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