Man accused of raping and killing old woman

CEBU – A farmer from the northern town of Catmon is facing criminal charges for allegedly raping and killing an old woman last week.

The victim’s children filed a complaint for rape with homicide against Leo Areja whom they alleged killed their mother after raping her in a grassy lot in barangay Bactas in Catmon last September 9.

In a joint affidavit, the three said that a neighbor had seen their mother walking towards their home afternoon on September 9. However, when the victim was near the spot along the road where Areja was standing, the suspect allegedly wrestled the woman to the ground.

Areja then allegedly held the woman’s legs and dragged her to a sloping portion of the road. 

A witness, Lorena Arenilla, said she did not follow the two because she was so afraid of what she saw. It was not until the next day, September 10, when she learned that the old woman was already dead that Arenilla was reportedly forced to divulge what she witnessed.

The victim’s children said they were prompted to look for their mother when their nephew went to their house morning of September 10 with a plastic bag, which they recognized as their mother’s.

They immediately went to the area where the plastic bag was found and subsequently found the body of their mother under a tree not far away. They also reportedly found her underwear nearby, which made them believe that she was raped. — Jasmin R. Uy/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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