Poverty reduction plan pushed against hunger

Visayas mayors suggest the revitalization of the Local Poverty Reduction Plan and other actions addressing food security during the recently held Visayas Island Cluster Conference.

According to the Philippine Information Agency, almost 50 mayors and representatives attended the recent gathering in Bohol where food security is highlighted as main issue in the event.

The Visayas mayors showed the lead role the local chief executives play in addressing the country’s pressing problems as they tackled the issue of food security and local empowerment during the gathering spearheaded by the League of Municipalities of the Philippines.

There were three plenary sessions for the topic Food Security and Local Empowerment: Hunger Mitigation, Poverty Reduction and Population Management.

PIA said that the first recommendation was the revitalization of the Local Poverty Reduction Action Plans by incorporating hunger mitigation and population management programs and projects.

They will also convene all appropriate government programs and projects at LGU levels, and for LGUs to take the lead in program implementation.

Other recommendations include recognition of mayors as local food czars of their respective towns as envisioned in the convergence policy on local developments and devolvement of corresponding budgetary outlay in the field programs identified by President Arroyo in the 2008 Food Summit in Clark to address the food crisis.  Ferliza C. Contratista/MEEV

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