Ombudsman leads anti-corruption drive

Amidst the allegations of massive corruptions rocking the government, the Office of the Ombudsman is spearheading an anti-corruption road show next month.

The activity, which is supported by the United States Agency for International Development, is aimed to increase public awareness and encourage the people to actively involve in the fight against corruption. It will be held on March 14.

Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Pelagio Apostol said that community participation is important in the campaign against corruption because it is the people that report any wrongdoing committed by public officials and employees.

The event will start at the Capitol ground at 7:00 a.m. and will end at the Cebu City Sports Center with Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez. Apostol said they are expecting hundreds of participants from the government and private sectors.

The Ombudsman has already sent out invitations to different government agencies, people’s organizations and non-government organizations for the activity.

During the whole-day affair, government offices like the Government Service Insurance System, Social Security System will have a one-stop shop at the sports center, where a free clinic will also be held.

Apostol said it is very important to make the people aware of the fight against corruption to improve the country’s standing in the corruption index.

Based on the 2007 corruption perception index conducted by Transparency International, the Philippines ranked 45th of 179 countries all over the world.

Two of the country’s former presidents, Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada, landed at the top of the list of most corrupt world leaders. – Fred P. Languido/LPM

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