4th district to showcase Jathropa production

The fourth district will soon be the province’s showcase for the Jathropa production.

Cebu 4th district Rep. Benhur Salimbangon recently signed a memorandum of agreement with the regional offices of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Agrarian Reform and Department of Agriculture to showcase the fourth district for the Jathropha production project.

The agreement was signed in the presence of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo during her visit last week.

Jathropa, locally known as “tuba-tuba” is seen as a way to solve the country’s energy problem since it is an alternative fuel source.

Salimbangon said he volunteered the fourth district for the project because he supports the thrust of the Arroyo administration to address the energy problem in the country through Jathropa production and there are considerable areas in his district which are suitable for the project.

Aside from the fourth district being a showcase for the project, Salimbangon said it can also help alleviate the living conditions of his constituents since Jathropa plantations would mean income for residents.

DENR, DAR and DA have acknowledged the congressman’s efforts and have agreed to provide assistance for the implementation of the project.

The forest land areas located within the district are under the control, management and jurisdiction of the DENR and the agency said these can be used for the Jathropa project. Agricultural land located in the district, which fall under DAR jurisdiction, will also be used for the project. The DA, meanwhile, will extend technical assistance for trainings and seminars on Jathropa production.

An executive committee will be created to draw up the implementing guidelines and function as the policy making body to oversee, monitor and supervise the implementation of the project. — Gregg M. Rubio/QSB

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