Cleaning duties await cops at Camp Sotero

Beat patrol policemen and those cops who won’t attend the flag raising ceremony every Monday will clean up Camp Sotero Cabahug of the Cebu City Police Office as a penalty.

Acting Cebu City police director Patrocinio Comendador yesterday said that cops assigned on beat patrol could no longer escape from their duties, as he has already ordered police inspector David Señor "to conduct inspections on policemen assigned as beat patrols every three hours."

He also said that policemen not found in their detailed assignments will be made to explain. If he doesn’t find the explanations valid, these cops will also be ordered to clean up the camp as punishment.

Comendador mentioned that as of last week, 10 erring policemen were made to clean up the camp. He said he will no longer buy the idea of the forfeiture of salary as a penalty.

A policeman who asked not to be named said he welcomes the move of Comendador, saying cleaning duties is a lot better than forfeiture of their salaries.

Meanwhile, Comendador also said yesterday that a pre-charge investigation is recommended on the allegation that PO3 Edgar Friolanita extorted money from the younger brother of Vice Control Section chief, police senior inspector George Ylanan. Probe will be handled by City Traffic Division police chief inspector Jonathan Abella who is Friolanita’s senior officer.

Aside from a pre-charge investigation which will be conducted by the Internal Affairs Service, Friolanita is also ordered relieved from his post. — Flor Z. Perolina/MEEV

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