Parian brgy capt. to fire workers using drugs

Parian barangay captain William Balaga said he will not hesitate to fire two of his barangay employees if proven they are taking drugs.

The Office of Councilor Augutus "Jun" Pe, upon the request of Pari-an barangay officials, conducted a surprise drug test on 42 barangay workers and employees last Friday night, including the barangay officials themselves, as part of their employment requirements.

Pe said that two employees were found positive; he refused to reveal their names and designations pending confirmation although he said they were not elected officials.

"I want to make it clear that I will not allow people working with me that are using drugs. If and when they are found to be using prohibited drugs sorry to say but they have to pack up," Balaga said.

Balaga came up with mandatory drug test considering that his barangay is reportedly gambling-free area and no drug lords live there.

"Why not start cleaning up our own backyard aron makita sa mga tawo sa among barangay nga among mga tawo diri limpyo," Balaga said. - Garry B. Lao/BRP

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