Dabong pushed as health food

The Department of Science and Technology is now promoting the inclusion of bamboo shoots into the diet of heart patients due to its high fiber and low fat content.

Locally known as "dabong", bamboo shoots are easy to prepare and can be a better alternative and practical food since they are readily available.

According to the Science and Technology Media Service, bamboo shoots are considered as health food for the new millennium.

Doctors from the University of the Philippines conducted a study on bamboo species in natural stands and established plantations in areas affected by the La Niña phenomenon.

Included in the study, which was funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development are the chemical, nutritional and eating qualities of several bamboo species.

The researchers reported that shoots of most bamboo species can be consumed but quality shoots are those of kawayan-tinik (Bambusa blumeana), kawayan-kiling (B. vulgaris), bolo (Gigantocloa levis), kayali (G. atter), patong (Dendrocalamus asper), bayog (B. merriliana) and laak (B. philipinensis).

Some bamboo shoots have a bitter or acrid taste due to the presence of cyanide, which can be remedied through soaking and boiling.

In the Philippines, bamboo shoots have been part of traditional and favorite dishes. Paklay and pochero always have bamboo shoots. - Ferliza C. Contratista

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