2 men shoot driver dead

Two unidentified men, reportedly inquiring first about a certain man named Leo Lastimosa, shot dead a 32-year-old driver in barangay Basak, San Fernando town Sunday afternoon.

Danilo Vious was hit in his back and left thigh and died by the roadside where the men caught up with him after they trailed him from the house of his live-in partner, Helen Canoy.

Town police investigators, led by SPO2 Nestor Ocampo, said the two men first went to the house where Vious and Canoy are residing, asked for water to drink and inquired where they could see someone named Leo Lastimosa, who they said was indebted to them.

Vious told them he did not know any man by that name in the town, and advised them to just go instead to the barangay captain for help.

Vious escorted the two men up to the main road of the barangay but, a few minutes after, gunfire broke out five times. This prompted Canoy to run to the source to check and found Vious bloodied and dead on the ground.

SPO3 Raffy Sapira told The Freeman it was possible that it was Vious who was really the target of the two men. He said there is no resident there named Leo Lastimosa while Vious also had no permanent address.

Recovered from the crime scene was a bullet shell of a cal.-45 pistol, as the police continued with their investigation.

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