Arbiters urged to mediate labor cases at industry level

Noting an increasing incidence of labor strikes in the country, 26 strikes waged here affecting over 8,000 workers, the Department of Labor and Employment urged the labor arbiters to take an active role in resolving labor-related cases at the industry level.

The labor department also encouraged employers and workers to seek first the intervention of labor arbiters and conciliators before going to court or resorting to strike.

Recognizing the importance of sound industrial relations in the social and economic development of the country, DOLE has been encouraging the employers and labor sectors to pursue active roles in ensuring labor-management cooperation and strengthen the voluntary resolution of any industrial disputes.

While labor department admitted that the incidence of strikes has increased, it said, "not too long ago, the industrial landscape of our country was littered with work stoppages."

As of October this year, 26 strikes were declared affecting 8,496 workers, resulting to disruption of work in several companies quite higher compared to 13 labor strikes declared for the first half of this year.

With this, Labor Secretary Patricia Sto. Tomas challenged voluntary arbitrators to play a more active role in the resolution of labor-related cases and other contentious issues.

In a press release, she said that the labor department is also planning to put up a tripartite voluntary arbitration advisory council to assume the active role in solving labor disputes in an advisory of mandatory capacity.

The labor official also said that voluntary arbitration should start in the companies to avoid legalistic procedures and most of all to promote industrial harmony and greater productivity.

"In this respect, I think that the focus of promotional efforts on voluntary arbitration should start with organized establishments," she added.

Sto. Tomas emphasized that voluntary arbitration is an extension of the grievance procedure and an essential part of the duty of the labor and management to bargain collectively in good faith. - Wenna A. Berondo

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