Woman busted for selling dope

Talisay police operative's collared in a buy-bust operation an alleged supplier of marijuana in sitio Mananga Riverside, barangay Tabunok, Talisay City, yesterday morning.

SPO4 Reynaldo Vitualia, head of the intelligence and detective operatives, arrested Alicia Manligis, 37, of Gaas, Balamban town.

Confiscated from the suspect was the dried marijuana leaves weighting more or less 370 grams. It had an estimated street value of P15,000 as per Dangerous Drug Board standards.

Before the operation, there was information that Manligis was seen selling marijuana in the area. The city police responded immediately.

PO1 Marciano Parayday acted as poseur-buyer and gave her five P100 peso bills as marked money placed in a bag.

After Manligis turned over the marijuana to the poseur buyer, the operatives immediately arrested the suspect.

Another bag also containing dried marijuana leaves estimated to weigh 200 grams was recovered from the suspect after frisking.

The dried marijuana leaves were wrapped with 28 pieces of paper to escape detection.

Manligis is now detained at the police station awaiting the filing of appropriate charges against her in court for possessing illegal drugs.

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