Nursing Cebu's pride

BA Mass Communication III University of the Philippines - Cebu

CEBU, Philippines - The released results of this year's Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE) made Cebu gleam with pride as Cebu Normal University (CNU) made it as a top performing school with a hundred percent passing rate and 12 topnotchers.

What makes it more incredible is the presence of a 2nd placer!

Erika Pino is just like any other CNU nursing student. She graduated from Mactan National High School in 2008 with the hope of becoming a registered nurse someday.

In college, she was one of the many who struggled to get a passing mark in any given exam.

"I also whined about school, duties and responsibilities," she said noting, that she is just like the rest. However, she learned how to do her best especially when in a difficult situation because nursing at CNU is a tough life.

When she graduated, she knew she was equipped to be the nurse CNU trained her to be, but this didn't make her any confident to take the board exam.

"I studied harder than before; I prayed the hardest in my life," Pino narrated her preparations for the exam. She reviewed at Powerhouse Training and Review Center.

It was her family, friends and mentors who kept her going despite the difficulty in review classes. Her parents most especially were the people who drove her to success and she can't thank them enough.

 "They inspire me to be the best I can possibly be," Pino added

Her achievement, however, was not something she expected.

"I could not understand how I feel although at the top of my mind, I feel happy. Happy not only for myself but for those who believed in me," she said.

Passing and topping the board are only a few of the things she wanted to do in life. Now that she has done it, she wants to try other things, too.

"I'm in a crossroad right now, but with God's grace I know I will find my way," she explained with hope.

Pino also wants the next set of nursing students to believe in God as she did herself. "We (Philippines) are facing challenges such as the big number of Registered Nurses. However, trust in God and your dreams will come true.

Erika Pino is just one of the many nursing topnotchers who have given pride to Cebu.

With the growing number of registered nurses but few hospitals, it is their challenge to give whatever they can contribute to the betterment of the country. (FREEMAN)

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