Skin republic

Dear Dr. Jen,

My thighs are big and when I spend a lot of time walking, they get sore. It is very painful. I try to wear loose-fitting pants as much as I can to let the thigh area breathe. What can I do to avoid getting "pilas" again?


Dear Carmel,

Getting "pilas" is one of the most uncomfortable things in the world. The skin on the inner thighs is not as thick as the outer thighs and may easily chafe. Friction or rubbing against each other is the culprit.

A simple enough remedy is to apply zinc oxide cream before venturing out on long walks. Zinc oxide is usually found in your regular diaper rash cream. It doesn't stain clothes and can save your thighs.

Wearing leggings or snug pants might save your skin from friction. At least the cloth will be the one to rub against each other and not your skin.

Dear Dr. Jen,

My bikini line gets itchy after I shave. Sometimes the rashes take a long time to heal and become brown. What is this and how can I treat it?


Dear Michelle,

It can either just be irritant dermatitis (from the razor), folliculitis, or eczema. Shaving by itself can be irritating to the skin. It can also encourage production of in-grown hair which can later become inflamed. Newly-grown hair can also be very itchy.

It is difficult to say what it is right now. Best to go to your PDS dermatologist to have it checked. She can prescribe the correct anti-itch cream with or without antibiotics depending on the need. Unless you have the hair permanently lasered off, you will likely be encountering these rashes after each shave. Be sure to ask your derma what kind of cream to apply after shaving or waxing.   After the rashes have healed, then you can address the brown spots or scars that have been made. Best of luck!

If you have any questions or concerns please text 0922 845 5556or call (032) 232 5929 or email

Dr Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS). She is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital. For other information on PDS, check

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