Eyewatch: A Microsoft Christmas

CEBU, Philippines - Microsoft Philippines hosted what was probably the earliest Christmas party for media last November 10 at The Bond Urban Pub in Makati. The party was also the launch of Microsoft Philippines' Holiday Campaign.

Marketing Director MariviAbueg and Windows Client head Mae Moreno welcomed members of the media composed of newspaper and magazine writers and editors to a Microsoft bonding party filled with fun, games and lots of prizes.

The holiday campaign, dubbed, "It's a great time to be a family," showcases an entire range of retail products that include Windows 7, Microsoft Office and Windows Phone 7, that work seamlessly together. The campaign also includes three television advertisements, a first for Microsoft Philippines', a holiday gift guide that features the latest and coolest PCs from its OEM partners, as well as a consumer promotion that will give those who purchase devices pre-installed with Windows 7 or a Windows 7 Full Packaged Product from any of their Star Partner retailers a chance to win a brand new Mitsubishi Montero Sport, a trip to Singapore for a family of 4 of a package of 4 brand new HTC Radar phones.

The attendees enjoyed making their own versions of Microsoft's television advertisements that promote family time using technology and playing Dance Central and other games with Microsoft's Xbox 360 Kinect. 

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