Ritz Up Your Pasta Experience with New Ideal Gourmet Rigatoni

CEBU, Philippines - Hooked up on pasta but craving for exciting new ways to enjoy such Al Dente goodness? Where other pasta brands’ shape offerings and pasta-bilities end, Ideal Gourmet Pasta begins! Now here’s another scrumptious way to indulge your pasta passion— with the new Ideal Gourmet Rigatoni.

The ridges on rigatoni is a fail-proof way to make the flavor of sauce cling onto the pasta. Plus, its larger size allows you to create unconventional applications, like Baked Rigatoni Cake and Stuffed Rigatoni Fingers. This pasta shape works best with thick, creamy sauces, chunky tomato-based sauces and pasta bakes. When your problem is how to churn out an unforgettable pasta number for a choosy guest, or entice kids to try mom’s new pasta recipe, Ideal Gourmet Rigatoni is the perfect solution. Made from 100 percent Durum wheat semolina, it is al dente, unconventional and guaranteed best-quality… at an affordable price! Perfect reason why Ideal Gourmet Rigatoni makes the brand’s tagline— “For Ideal Results.”—- ring truer than ever.   

Ideal Gourmet Rigatoni is now available at all leading supermarkets nationwide, like Robinsons, Rustans, and SM Supermarket. For questions or order inquiries, visit their website at www.idealmacaroni.com (FREEMAN)

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