The Safety Glass

CEBU, Philippines - To say "it's unbreakable" is an exaggeration, yet you'll certainly make extra effort to break the glass. Introducing, tempered glass or tampered glass, which is five times stronger than standard/normal glass, hence the distinction: the safety glass.

According to (an online glass manual), a tempered glass is produced through heating treatment or chemically treated to reach a certain standard. It's designed to meet building codes and safety requirements for building entrances, glass facades, doors, among others.

Sales Manager Kari Heikkila of Glaston-Singapore, an international glass technology company that specializes in glass processing machines, tempered glass have many uses: impact durability, bending strength, resistance to fire, breakage behavior, light and heat transmission and reflection, optical quality/aesthetic appearance and noise reduction (with lamination).

AsiaTemp Glass Corporation recently opened its newest glass factory in Don Sergio Suico St., Canduman, Mandaue City that develops tempered glass. They've acquired a Tamglass (Finnish brand) flat tampering machine from Glaston that include a 2.4x5.7 meters furnace that can very well fit a big-sized glass. And as a guarantee, the Tamglass machine meets high European standards (EN) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

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