Healing in Fasting

CEBU, Philippines - If you want your body to heal by itself, get rid of toxins, improve your immune system, lose weight and keep your youth – all simultaneously — then fast. Fasting seems to have unlocked well guarded secrets why people during the time of Adam and Eve lived to 100 to 900 years and why women like Sarai and Elizabeth kept their youth and bore children despite advanced biological ages. It is not the abstinence of food that makes people die and grow old easily. It is the indulging of excessive food that makes people degenerate faster.

If you want Satan out of your life, fast for three days. It is believed that it took three days without food to starve Satan. So Satan can stay inside the body of man, Satan holds man captive to indulgent eating habits.

Fasting is the deliberate and voluntary abstaining of solid food for a certain period. It is known to be the single greatest natural healing therapy since the beginning of life forms. Fasting can be done with just drinking water or juices. Physicians espousing spiritual medication recommend or prescribe fasting as a first line of defense in therapy or incorporate fasting in the cure protocol. But then many doctors in this present day world may not even believe in fasting because they might starve from the perks of drug companies. People must be freed from the ignorance of fasting to make this a lifestyle.

As a therapy, fasting does five things: it cleanses or detoxifies, it heals or restores, it strengthens immunity, it allows the body to rest and it rejuvenates. Fasting is part of the triology of nutrition where other the components are balancing and building. What exactly happens when a person goes on a fast and what is the difference between fasting and starvation?

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