Taking refuge in the three gems

CEBU, Philippines - For the faithful Buddhist, one of the most basic ceremonies to undergo is the taking of refuge in the Three Gems. Although this is not a requirement for those who follow the Path of Buddhism, a traditionalist would find this ceremony both as an affirmation of his faith and a start of his journey in the Path, and as such, is a vital part of his life as a follower of the Buddha.

Venerable Miao Jing, the head abbess of the International Buddhist Progress Society (IBPS) of Manila, revealed that in the Buddhist faith, one of their basic philosophies is anchored on the faithful taking refuge in the three gems: Buddha (the enlightened one), Dharma (the teachings of the enlightened one), and Sangha (the monks and nuns in the monastic community).

Ven. Miao Jing likened the three gems to a lighthouse. She said that the gems will serve as the light that will guide the ship to shore. “To take refuge is to rely upon the holy jewels,” she added.

Although the Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony is not a requirement for those who aspire to follow the Path of Buddha, for the monastic order (referring to the monks and nuns), however, this is the first stage of their surrendered life.

On December 14, the founder of IBPS Venerable Master Hsing Yun, will be in Cebu, for the first time, to officiate the ceremony to be held at Fo Guang Shan Chu Un Temple at 246 V. Rama Avenue. The ceremony will start at 7:30 p.m. and is open to the public.

“This is a very special occasion (for those who wish to take refuge in the triple gems),” Ven. Miao Jing said, adding that for the 82-year old master to officiate the ceremony itself is a rare occasion that should be taken advantaged of by the followers of the Path or even for those who desire to follow the Path of Buddha.

Ven. Miao Jing clarified that for one to undergo the ceremony, he needs only to bring himself to the temple and must only have the desire and willingness to take refuge in Buddha, the teachings of the Buddha, and the monastic community. Aside from that, she said that no other preparations are needed. However, the organizers of the ceremony are appealing to those interested to register in advance because of limited slots and space.

The ceremony would start with the invitation of the Master who will officiate in the ceremony. This will then be followed by the dharma ceremony wherein those who will be participating would take the vow of becoming a virtuous person.

Those interested can visit Chu Un Temple or call 2538144. IBPS is a United Nations-recognized non-government organization with 100 chapters in 73 countries.

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