Flirting with nature

CEBU, Philippines - Flirting has an incalculable place in explorations and adventures.

River trekkers eye for lurking leeches, slippery curves; cavers attract—and wishfully scare—constrictors, and worse, venomous predators; and rock climbers, rappellers challenge their strength, their will and confront nature with its astute slopes and arrogant rocks. Trekkers, cave explorers, rock climbers, rappellers—they are veterans in flirting with or seducing threats and perils.

With the widening acceptance of sedentary lifestyles, outdoor activities become marginal, only known to those who are up to physical and mental challenges. Yet there are outdoor lovers who endeavor in changing this course.  The definite initial strategy for this to succeed is by uniting first the various groups of mountaineers, trekkers, outdoor enthusiasts. 

“We (outdoor enthusiasts) have to unite first. It is known to all that even we have the tendency to compete with one another,” Tyler “Lex” Berame, one of the pioneers of  ZETS (Zzubu Eco-Tourism Society), shared. ZETS focuses on the wildlife and natural wonder preservation—giving utmost respect to Cebu’s historical delights. According to Lex, “mother nature is best enjoyed with friends.” Thus, the 1st Annual Friendship Climb. ZETS and EWIT mountaineers, in partnership with Ridge Surfs and Mountains Outdoor Shop, work closely together to materialize the project.  

It has been decided that Mt. Manghilao, the highest peak in northern Cebu, will be the host for the planned activities.  With the assistance of native trekkers from Danao—Danao Cebu Outdoor Team and Danao Heritage Society—the participants dare themselves with abundant outdoor pursuits in the mythical Nahulga’g Guna River. Folktales have it that the deepest part of the river had been dropped with an unbelievably long and sturdy bolo, thus the name—nahulga’g guna. The river itself is surrounded with caves and mountains, making it an excellent choice for rappelling, rock climbing, river trekking and caving.  

Aside from befriending mountaineers from different mountaineering communities through these activities, the project is also aimed at befriending the alienated Mother Nature. “We have tree planting and clean-up drives while making our way toward Mt. Manghilao,” Lex said. Mt. Manghilao Cross attracts pilgrims not only from Cebu but also from different regions throughout the country. And along with this, the vicinity is slowly polluted with trash left by the visitors. “As mountaineers, it is one of our primal concerns to preserve, in our little way, the beauty of Mother Earth,” Eric Trio, one of the founding members of EWIT mountaineering group, expressed. The local government of Danao City also lent a hand by providing the needed transportation and seedlings, which were planted and fenced in the man-made trail toward the celebrated cross.

It is a basic criterion in any outdoor activity to trust one’s comrades. A hand will always be extended. If one slips on the wet, slippery cave floor while inspecting the stalactites, there will always be a hand ready to help. Help and helping have permanent positions in outdoor activities; thus friendship is, eventually, formed.  

And because of this, flirting with danger can be handled, if not with ease, with confidence; after all, one has readily packed friendship with the cooking set, tent, first-aid kit, and extra shirts, and they are neatly arranged in one’s bag and within oneself.

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