Hate to meditate? Try an offbeat technique!

CEBU, Philippines - Surprise: you are the meditation type! If you can breathe, you can meditate. You simply need to find a method that works for you.

Clearing chaos from your mind and focusing on calm, however you do it, is its own form of Zen.

If you’re artsy, light a fire. Concentrating on the colors of a flame can be a good way for visual types to stay in the moment. Sit 3 feet from a flame at eye level; watch quietly for five minutes; feel the tension melt.

If you’re a foodie, savor each bite. Focus on small morsel of food, such as a raisin, noting its size, color and texture. Place it on your tongue and enjoy the flavor. After 20 seconds, chew slowly; swallow. Bonus: You’ll eat less!

If you’re athletic, walk for 20 minutes sans iPod. As you stride (no rushing!) stare at the ground 6 feet ahead. Focus on your soles lifting and dropping.

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