Things you should know about allergens

Studies show that millions of people around the world suffer from allergy. In the U.S., allergic disorder in adults is one of the top reasons of absenteeism in the workplace. Children, on the other hand, display poor performance in school due to allergy discomforts. To help you cope with allergy attacks, (Loratadine) Allerta, Unilab’s allergy expert, shares some important facts and information on how you can control this bothersome condition and be able to make the most out of your time. Allergy attacks can occur any time when a person is exposed to certain allergens – substances that trigger the onset of allergy. Among the common symptom is allergic rhinitis characterized by sneezing, nose and sinus congestion; itchy, runny nose; and itchy, watery eyes.

Allergens are commonly found in the environment. Dust and pollens are listed among the top inducers of allergy attacks as well as indoor allergens that include house dust mite droppings, animal and insect droppings, animal dander and indoor molds. To keep allergy attacks at bay, experts recommend observing following tips at home:

• remove wall-to-wall carpeting; use hardwood, tile or linoleum instead

• regularly change beddings and draperies and wash them in hot water or have them dry cleaned

• block areas where roaches can enter and keep the house dry and clean

• use a cleaning solution that has 5 percent bleach and a small amount of detergent to get rid of indoor mold and mildew

• de-clutter the home as these can gather dust over time

Even some of the food we eat are unsuspecting allergy sources depending on one’s genetic profile. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recognize eight foods as being common for allergic reactions. These include peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, shellfish, fish, wheat and its derivatives, soy and its derivatives, and sulphites which are often found in food flavorings and colorings. But no matter how much we keep our surroundings clean and avoid foods that cause allergic reactions, it is still best to keep a medication on hand to immediately suppress unwanted allergy attacks. One effective anti-allergy medication is (Loratadine) Allerta, a second generation anti-allergy that provides all-day comfort from annoying allergy symptoms. It has a 24-hour efficacy so it takes only a single dose to be able to control allergy inconveniences. In addition, (Loratadine) Allerta does not induce drowsiness and other side effects to give more time for adults to be productive and for kids to make the most out of their childhood. Allerta is now available over the counter in most drugstores nationwide.

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