
I’m turning 28 this week and I thought it might be a good idea to look at my high school yearbook. We were asked to write what our dreams were and I have a sneaking suspicion I am nowhere near what I wanted to be at 16.

This is what I wrote: I want to anchor for CNN, research for National Geographic, umpire a tennis match, visit all UN member countries, take over the Walt Disney Empire and be proclaimed Woman of the Year by 2022. Then after my kids pose for Anne Geddes, my husband and I will retire on a deserted island where I’ll write my best-selling autobiography.

You can’t say I didn’t have a wild imagination! Let’s see what I’ve done so far:

Anchored for CNN?—Nope.

Researched for National Geographic?—Does watching count?

Umpired a tennis match?—Never even been near a stadium.

Visited all UN member countries?—Maybe if I win the lottery.

Taken over Walt Disney?—At least I’ve been to Disneyland!

Woman of the—I won’t even continue that question.

Gotten Married—Uh, no.

But, as I am turning 28 (and as according to scientists my brain has developed to its full potential), I’ve decided to make a new checklist:

Do I have a job I am passionate about?—Definitely!

Have I grown in my faith?—More than I ever thought possible.

Do I have a deeper understanding of the world and the people around me?—

Getting there.

Do I have people in my life whom I love?—More than I deserve.

Have I made use of the talents that God has blessed me with?—I try.

Have I stopped dreaming?—Nope. But my dreams have changed.

Do I regret not being married?—Not for a moment.

Am I happy?—Without a doubt!

No. Life hasn’t been what I wanted it to be. It’s been better. I’m older now and I know what checklists matter.  The choices I’ve made and the roads I took led me to this moment—and this moment is good. And I am grateful. And I will sit here awhile and let the gratitude and the goodness wash over me. Because, well, this is what twenty-eight-year-olds should do on the week of their birthdays.

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