Wheatgrass Powder Wonders

“Combine exercise and diet.” This would certainly be on top of the list on everyone’s tips to stay healthy and fit. But with the rise of processed foods sold in the market and the latest technology which, more often that not, keeps sedentary, the capacity to work out and keep fit is forever neglected. Foods rich in calories are abused; proteins and high-fiber foods are refused. As a result, the populace is entangled in different maladies.

Health consultants are currently coming up with various remedies to alleviate such difficulty. That’s why Wheatgrass Powder is introduced.

The only one in the world that combines the Leaves and Roots Nutrition, Wheatgrass Powder is certified organic and definitely has no additive. It is made from 100 percent wheatgrass leaves and roots and has been recognized in our country and certified in other nations like Malaysia, U.S.A., Thailand, Indonesia and Japan.

Wheatgrass Powder is an effective way to cleanse the body and nourish the cells. It also has great benefits. Here’s why:

Wheatgrass is …

A great way to fight acidity

• Dubbed as the King of Alkaline Foods, Wheatgrass operates like detergents that clean off excess acidity in the body. It is said that the human body, except for the stomach, maintains a slightly alkaline environment at pH 7.36. If this balance is altered too much, acid waste is constantly produced bringing about different health problems. Indeed, acidity is the root cause of all diseases since it inhibits the body from absorbing nutrients, slow down the body’s healing processes and increase abnormal cell growth.

An easy means to eat your veggies

• Containing 17 amino acids, 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, fiber chlorophyll, and a great number of enzymes which nourish the cells and help carry out their normal functions, Wheatgrass Powder serves as your vegetable counterpart. Wheatgrass nutrients are bio-available and are easily absorbed in the body. It is assimilated directly into the blood stream in about 20 minutes.

A drink containing chlorophyll

• The green pigment chlorophyll, which is the basis of all plant life, carries oxygen, nutrients and energy from the sun. Wheatgrass contains 70 percent chlorophyll, which has similar molecular structure with hemoglobin, intensifies blood production, improves its quality and prevents anemia as proven by research studies. Being oxygen rich, chlorophyll also promotes proper oxygenation of cells and supports better blood circulation.

An effective detoxifier

• Wheatgrass helps in getting rid of the body’s waste matter and help strengthen the immune system. It contains high levels of antioxidants, enzymes and amino acids that help eliminate toxic heavy metals from the blood.

A health supplement produced using Biotechnology

• To bring about unmatched benefits to the people, Biotechnology is integrated into the production of Wheatgrass Powder. The process of which is through the state-of-the-art Indoor Organic Aerophonic Cultivation (IOAC) which does not use soil and provides completely controlled and sterile environment.

Now, consider including Wheatgrass Powder in your everyday feast. A body with the right acid-alkaline balance and nutrients will definitely shield you from disease and other ailments.

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