Women for Women 2007

The Junior Chamber International – Zugbuana is revving up for a fabulous project to end 2007.   The Zugbuanas, more popularly known as the Zugs, comprising an all ladies chapter are especially known for their socio-civic activities particularly aiding women and children. Despite the whirlwind of worthwhile activities for the past months, the Zugs come in full force with their final biggest, not to mention,  most exciting fundraising activity dubbed Women for Women (W4W) come November 30, 2007.

Women for Women, a JCI-Zugbuana concept shall be a fashion show of Cebu’s successful society women wearing the designs of A list fashion designers, all united for a cause to empower and support underprivileged women.

Two years ago, the pilot W4W project aided and gave voice to hundreds of physically and emotionally abused women. This year, Women for Women ‘07 hopes to raise funds to support the Kahayag Network of Cancer Support Groups with the aim to change passive behavior among women and to spread cancer awareness through testimonials from inspiring cancer survivors through multimedia and tri-media information.

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