JCIP’s 59th National Convention: One Island, One Vision, One People

JCI cordially invites all their members, and also Philippines’ young leaders and entrepreneurs to come and join them on their 59th national convention to be held at Cebu International Convention Center from October 11-14, 2007.

JC officers from all over Philippines gave the media information regarding the organization, the events that are going to happen during their national convention, and the advantages of being a JCI member.

The goal of members is not solely focused on leadership, they have also been trained to initiate programs for community welfare. Being a Jaycee also gives training on Parliamentary Procedures, on being an effective leader and a team follower. The organization gives a chance for members to chair committees and enables them to have corporate social responsibility. “Walk the Talk” or putting words into action – that’s the JC motto. JCI also focuses on promulgating membership growth and potential by being more process-oriented rather than result oriented. On behalf of the organization, Mr. Apollo “Cocoy” Enriquez–JCIP National Director invites young adults to join Jaycees.

JCIP is the only leadership organization in the world and they also make it clear that in the process of becoming a better leader, members are allowed to commit mistakes.

The first Junior Chamber International was organized in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. on October 13, 1915. On December 11, 1944, representatives from eight (8) nations met in Mexico City and the world organization—Junior Chamber International — was founded. In 1944, the movement crossed the Pacific and the Manila Jaycees was founded with the approval of its Constitution on December 20, 1947. By 1948, eleven new chapters were organized in the following key cities: Cebu, San Pablo, Bacolod, Zamboanga , Davao, iloilo, Lucena, Cabanatuan, Capiz, Cavite and Tacloban.

Through 56 years non-stop operations, the Jaycees survive mainly through the spirit of VOLUNTEERISM. Elected National Officers commit to shoulder in part all their traveling expenses related to national projects and institutionalized programs. All programs and projects are conducted on self-liquidating basis. Resource mobilization for projects and programs then becomes the main area of training in local, as well as national and international operations.

In line with the JCIP’s objective, their National Convention will also be an opportunity for them to conduct seminars related to leadership and training development, entrepreneurship cultivation and franchising.

Other events of JCIP’s 59th National Convention include “Adven-turista sa Sugbu,” which has the same plot as Jerry Bruckheimer’s “The Amazing Race,” a national badminton tournament and a bowling tournament.

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