When men sell sex

In the background, blaring hip-hop music is being played over huge speakers. The laser lights cuts through the dark crowded area, filled with bodies dancing to the beat.

Despite all these disturbances, Gary, a tall good-looking 21-year-old, is talking to a "customer" in the far corner of the place. Over a bottle of beer, their heads are nodding as they reach a common agreement. A moment later, Gary and his customer leave the crowded bar. The customer, like Gary, is a male.
Male Prostitute
When asked if he is gay, Gary laughed and shook his head. "Di ko bayot uy, mo-patol lang ko nila. (I'm not gay but I go for them.)"

He offers his services to gays and transvestites and sometimes, matrons. He usually meets his clients, both old and new ones, in disco clubs and other popular tambayan (hang-out).

Some just approach him while others who are "shy" give him eye contact and that is the signal for Gary to make his move.

Gary doesn't need to dress provocatively; a simple shirt and jeans will do. "Pero bawi-on na nako sa akong pagdala sa akong kaugalingon. (All I need is the confidence to carry myself well.)"
Good Grooming
Unlike Gary, Fred spends extra time on making himself look good.

"Mo-matter kung nindot ka tanawon, nindot pud nga customers ang imong makuha. (It matters that you look good because you get the good ones too.)"

Fred prowls the upscale and posh party places where he can find the well-off gays. If he gets really lucky, he can earn more than P 700 in one night.

"Ganahan man gyud na sila'g gwapo,(They like good-looking men.)So looking presentable helps me get a bigger pay."
Business Talk
The transaction varies but most of the time, a little formal chitchat happens. Say your name, your age, what you do, and the like. A bit of flirting also happens, both Gary and Fred said. "Ganahan sila ana kay feel nila pud babae sila. (They like men to flirt with them since they feel that they are women too.)"

For Fred, he suggests to the customer where they will go. Fred tries never to go to the same motel in the same month. He fears that the people at the reception area might recognize him if he keeps going there. He is also very lucky because until now, it is his customer who pays for the motel and the taxi fare back and forth. As for Gary, he lets his customer decide where they would go. Gary wants him or her to be comfortable. Sometimes they would rent a motel, the costumer's car or dark areas.

The payment, for both Fred and Gary will always take place after. Gary takes whatever the customer gives him. And when the client is happy with his service, he gets a tip.

But for Fred, fellatio is more expensive than anal sex.

"Ambot, pero siguro kay mas uwaw. (I don't know but I think because it's a more shameful act.)"
Easy Money
"I never liked to do this but I had no choice. I need money for my tuition fee." Fred admitted. "The money that my parents send is not enough so I need to do something."

"Sideline ra man ni, kuwang man gud ang kita sa akong laing trabaho. (I know only do this because what I earn from my other job is not enough.)," disclosed Gary.

Poverty is the reason why both male and female individuals sell themselves. It is not something that they either wish nor want to do.

"Usahay lud-on ko sa akong kaugalingon kay uwaw man kayo ang makig-hilawas ka'g pareha nimong lalaki. (Sometimes I get disgusted with myself because it is degrading to have sex with another male.)", said Gary. They need more income for their school fees, to help their family meet the needs of everyday living or to give them extra money for the lifestyle that they want to live.

In order to acquire fast cash, selling themselves is the easiest way.
Health and Safe Sex
Condoms should still be used even in anal sex to be safe. Even in homosexual intercourse, STD's (sexually transmitted disease) is still possible.

Sally, a "lady boy" (a man who underwent breast implant surgery) had learned his lesson. Once he got an STD due to unprotected sexual intercourse with his former male lover. Since then, he makes sure his partner wears one.

"It's better to play it safe. A condom is a lot cheaper than buying that anti-bacterial ointment that costs almost a thousand," Sally stated. "Plus, I like the smell of mint," he added with a loud, girly laugh.

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