Holiday Haute Couture

With the "-ber" months sliding smoothly into our consciousness and the malls' sound boxes blaring holiday carols (albeit a bit prematurely, don't you think?), Christmas is, indeed, just around the corner. No wonder people are in a jubilatory mood and what with the ASEAN summit come December have doubled the holiday anticipation. A preview of Cebu 's fashion czar, Mr. Philip Rodriguez' holiday collection was masterfully mounted during the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary luncheon hosted by Senator Manny Villar at the Casino Español.

Scarlet and deep crimson, metallic gold and beige, royal blue and purple, rich colors are predominant in the collection together with the classic black and chocolate brown. Opulence is the name of the game as each piece is bedecked with Swarovski crystals in every imaginable size and shape. Some interesting details were ostrich feathers dyed purple and crimson adding more luxe to the already luxurious fabrics of brocade and Thai silk. With this collection, it's surely will be a merry Christmas! Holiday style anyone?

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